A book review blog. Updated sporadically as my reading record of late has been abysmal.
All reviews are written by me and are my personal views only. Comments welcome.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Comes with 2 subwoofers
My friend Sally sent me this and I found it too cute not to share.
Even more Agatha Christie-related crime fiction
[image: Even more Agatha Christie-related crime fiction] Agatha Christie in
crime novels is a topic I've mentioned a couple of times before but not for
a w...
Forgotten Book - The Pretty Ones
Dorothy Eden was a New Zealander who made her home in England in order to
develop her career as a writer. It turned out to be a good move, as she
Media Murder for Monday
It's the start of a new week and that means it's time for a brand-new
roundup of crime drama news: THE BIG SCREEN/MOVIES Roundtable Entertainment
has green...
Review: BREAKHEART HILL by Thomas H. Cook
I’m very grateful to regular visitor Tracy (who blogs wonderfully herself
at Biter Tea and Mystery) for recommending this book set in her native
Alabama fo...
This blog is inactive and will be removed in December 2017. I decided that
trying to maintain a genre specific blog doesn't work for me. I read more
What’s your favorite style of book? Serious? Playful? Humorous? Thoughtful?
Action-packed? Moody? Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response
(so ...
13 Shots of Noir, Paul D. Brazill
Dark, funny, dark, clever, funny, dark and absolutely brilliant, 13 SHOTS
OF NOIR is a short story collection blurbed as in the "vein of Roald Dahl".
I n...
Coming Soon
Remember that time, months ago, when I promised to do something with this
website after years of not doing anything? Well, man plans, God laughs, you
know ...
Write Here, Write Now
By Russel D McLean
I can't promise I'll never do it, but one of my pet hates is writers as
characters in fiction.
Writers who writer about writers,
Not o...
That's not what socks are for...
*I've been out and about a lot of late, doing exciting secret stuff* like
going to Tesco to buy the first Brussels sprouts of autumn. So I was late
to the ...
Petrona has moved
This blog, and its associated archive of book reviews, has moved. Please do
visit the new Petrona, and adjust your bookmark or RSS feed accordingly.
Thank ...
Rapidly approaching fossilisation. 2 sons, grown and flown, Facebook & Twitter addict with 2 high-energy little dogs and one very long-suffering hubby.
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